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Author Topic: Season tickets  (Read 19956 times)

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #60 on February 28, 2010, 09:04:28 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance wrote:
You lot can call me all the names under the sun and dont get me wrong it will hurt me this month but that's life.
Suggest you all put a budget in place and save so much a month, not rocket science fcuking grow up and grow a pair!

It will hurt you this month? But if you took your own advice and had a budget in place each month and saved, then surely it shouldn't do?!

Jesus, I wish I had such a care free, blinkered view of the world. It would make things so much easier.

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Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #61 on February 28, 2010, 09:08:39 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Well I have thats why I will be attending next season no matter what league we are in Frosty!
Perhaps get a ST at Barnsley see if there prices are cheaper?


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #62 on February 28, 2010, 09:10:26 pm by MrFrost »
So why will it hurt you this month.

Barnsley are cheaper. The Mrs is an avid fan.

Your a tool pal. Your comments on this thread have proved that.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #63 on February 28, 2010, 09:14:08 pm by rtid88 »
The fact is, judging by the reaction on this forum alone, we will be lucky to get 2000-3000 season tickets sold next year and at that rate we might as well say goodbye to Championship football (if we do stay up this year) because next year will be the last because if the season ticket sales are so low then I think the Keepmoat 2 will definitely pull out and I think it could be the final straw for JR! On top of that the atmosphere in the ground in the last few home games has been atrocious as it is but with 4000-5000 less season ticket holders that will only get worse, leading to worse performances by our players!!

Well done DRFC you have just kissed goodbye to Championship football and a whole lot of fans!! Just when it looked like we were a club going places!! :angry:  :angry:

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #64 on February 28, 2010, 09:15:44 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
yes, cos we all have have spare 400/500 don't we but putting a little bit away each money has made it easier.
Like I say Frosty you wanted to give away your season ticket anyway after the Barnsley game so the club dosent need you anyway!
For every frosty that dosent then there will be a Norfolk that does especially if we keep in this league with the likes of Leeds and Hull to play next season.
Do you know the supply and demand principal?


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #65 on February 28, 2010, 09:16:14 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance - AKA Martin Hall has taken the bitching to his Facebook page by calling everyone on here glory fans.

Bravo sir, bravo.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #66 on February 28, 2010, 09:18:17 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance wrote:
yes, cos we all have have spare 400/500 don't we but putting a little bit away each money has made it easier.
Like I say Frosty you wanted to give away your season ticket anyway after the Barnsley game so the club dosent need you anyway!
For every frosty that dosent then there will be a Norfolk that does especially if we keep in this league with the likes of Leeds and Hull to play next season.
Do you know the supply and demand principal?

Nope your right. The club doesn't need me. I was one of the 739 there the night we played Barnet the year we got relegated, so don't preach to me.

I made one throwaway comment, that only you have picked up on. What you have said on here this evening is far worse.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #67 on February 28, 2010, 09:21:47 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
God im scared .....All I am doing is supporting the club and board and have different opinion than you and as I say I was not the one who wanted to give my ST away just cos we lost a game!


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #68 on February 28, 2010, 09:23:19 pm by 5minstogo »
I'm in the fortunate position where I can afford a season ticket.  However I won't be renewing mine.  Generally I miss 3 or 4 home games through work or other bits and bobs but take the loss on the chin, to be part of the club (as it were).  Had prices stayed the same I would probably have continued but to pay out more when I'm already losing out is something I really can't justify.  I joined the Rovers Alliance so get similar benefits from that.

Losing £3million a year we obviously need to increase revenue but I'm not convinced this is going to work......


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #69 on February 28, 2010, 09:28:58 pm by scarbrook »
Martin seen you deleted your messages lol,also see your in your late 30's f**kING act like it and grow up moron


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #70 on February 28, 2010, 09:33:10 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance wrote:
God im scared .....All I am doing is supporting the club and board and have different opinion than you and as I say I was not the one who wanted to give my ST away just cos we lost a game!

So, please justify your comments where you have told people who can't afford a season ticket to get a better job.......

Yes I hold my hands up, after the Barnsley game I was frustrated and said i'd give my season ticket away. It was a silly comment born our of frustration and from the hassle I was getting from my other half who is a massive Dingles fan.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #71 on February 28, 2010, 09:33:58 pm by scarbrook »
5minstogo wrote:
I'm in the fortunate position where I can afford a season ticket.  However I won't be renewing mine.  Generally I miss 3 or 4 home games through work or other bits and bobs but take the loss on the chin, to be part of the club (as it were).  Had prices stayed the same I would probably have continued but to pay out more when I'm already losing out is something I really can't justify.  I joined the Rovers Alliance so get similar benefits from that.

Losing £3million a year we obviously need to increase revenue but I'm not convinced this is going to work......

Im in the same posistion,miss about 4 or 5 home games a season,if the price's froze would have probably renewed but have doubts now

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #72 on February 28, 2010, 09:36:23 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Harsh reality of life is it not?
Like I say you can call me all the names under the sun cyber warriors, certainly not being bullied by you lot!


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #73 on February 28, 2010, 09:39:05 pm by 5minstogo »
Is marketing not all about supply and demand?

If we average 10500 gates (sorry don't know exact figures) in a 14500 seater stadium at current prices, then which bright spark thinks increasing prices will increase demand?


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #74 on February 28, 2010, 09:40:11 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance wrote:
Harsh reality of life is it not?
Like I say you can call me all the names under the sun cyber warriors, certainly not being bullied by you lot!

A shame you can't justify your comments mocking your fellow supporters who can't afford a season ticket by telling them to get a better job.

I think you'd fit in better on WACCOE.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #75 on February 28, 2010, 09:48:21 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Norfolk your views are not only narrow minded but vulgar in the current climate. Bully for you that you can afford next seasons ticket and it must leave you with a warm glow to be able to belittle your fellow fans for not having the means to do so or to have the well paid salary that you so justly deserve. I'm sure you drink your horlicks and sleep soundly every evening even though your comments show you to be a complete and utter tit.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #76 on February 28, 2010, 09:49:07 pm by BobG »
I suspect an awful lot of folk tonight are missing the point. Just who do you expect to fund DRFC?

If it's the Board, on what grounds do you think they should be spending their own money for your perosnal enjoyment?

If it's the income raised by the club, the debate is then entirely about the most cost effective use of price elasticity.

All I've seen on this thread is folk moaning anout their own selfish position and one person trying to put across a different point of view and winding up a lot of folk.

Donny Rovers are clearly a third division club at best. The level of support says that. History says that. We'eve had an awful lot of fun at someone else's expense this last few years. That is unsustainable, completely, in the medium term. so what alternatives can you all oferr for rasing the cash needed to compete effectively in the second division? That's what this thread should be about.



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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #77 on February 28, 2010, 09:53:40 pm by MrFrost »
BobG wrote:
I suspect an awful lot of folk tonight are missing the point. Just who do you expect to fund DRFC?

If it's the Board, on what grounds do you think they should be spending their own money for your perosnal enjoyment?

If it's the income raised by the club, the debate is then entirely about the most cost effective use of price elasticity.

All I've seen on this thread is folk moaning anout their own selfish position and one person trying to put across a different point of view and winding up a lot of folk.

Donny Rovers are clearly a third division club at best. The level of support says that. History says that. We'eve had an awful lot of fun at someone else's expense this last few years. That is unsustainable, completely, in the medium term. so what alternatives can you all oferr for rasing the cash needed to compete effectively in the second division? That's what this thread should be about.


Before I spend a hefty chunk of my monthly salary on a new season ticket, I would like the board to answer a few questions for me. Namely the following:

1. Where has the £3.2 million gone that we recouped for Mills and Wellens?
2. What are our aspirations for the future?
3. Why do we plough countless thousands into a youth system that has generated 1 or maybe 2 players over the last 10 years?

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #78 on February 28, 2010, 09:56:20 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Totally agree Bob


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #79 on February 28, 2010, 09:57:57 pm by BobG »
I'm sorry Mr Frost, but if you don't know the answr to 1) by now, you must be blind. 2) I agee with. 3) is a reasonable question too but the answer is always going to be an emotional one. It's an obvious answer: to find and develop good young players. So the question ought to be 'Why have we only found 2 or 3'? But even then, there's an easy answer: sean has only been here 3 years. You don't find, develop, play and sell young kids in that short space of time. That's a 10 year programme at the very least - unless you are staggeringly lucky.

I agree we've found not much so far. But if we ditch it now, the chance is gone for ever. if we stick with it, we have a chance of flogging sosmebody good one day.




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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #80 on February 28, 2010, 09:58:42 pm by MrFrost »
You still haven't answered my question Norfolk.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #81 on February 28, 2010, 10:00:05 pm by Norfolk N Chance »


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #82 on February 28, 2010, 10:01:30 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Fair comments Bob but the way he has put his views across is out of order. As to who funds our time in the CCC then all of us, the increases, how do these compare to other Clubs that is the defining factor.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #83 on February 28, 2010, 10:01:34 pm by MrFrost »
BobG wrote:
I'm sorry Mr Frost, but if you don't know the answr to 1) by now, you must be blind. 2) I agee with. 3) is a reasonable question too but the answer is always going to be an emotional one. It's an obvious answer: to find and develop good young players. So the question ought to be 'Why have we only found 2 or 3'? But even then, there's an easy answer: sean has only been here 3 years. You don't find, develop, play and sell young kids in that short space of time. That's a 10 year programme at the very least - unless you are staggeringly lucky.

I agree we've found not much so far. But if we ditch it now, the chance is gone for ever. if we stick with it, we have a chance of flogging sosmebody good one day.



Bob, before the season started, JR went on record in one of the local rags and stated any money recouped would be given to SOD to re-invest.

We have spent nothing on transfer fee's, signed several free signings and a shed load of players on loan. Not anywhere near 3.2 million though.

If the money has gone towards the shortfall that we undoubtedly have, then why didn't he say this at the time?


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #84 on February 28, 2010, 10:02:57 pm by MrFrost »
Norfolk N Chance wrote:

Why you feel it necessary to mock your fellow supporters who can't afford a season ticket by telling them to get a better job.

Snods Shinpad 2

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #85 on February 28, 2010, 10:03:54 pm by Snods Shinpad 2 »
MrFrost wrote:
Before I spend a hefty chunk of my monthly salary on a new season ticket, I would like the board to answer a few questions for me. Namely the following:

1. Where has the £3.2 million gone that we recouped for Mills and Wellens?

Why focus on that? The board and JR in particular have pumped more than that into the club.

MrFrost wrote:
2. What are our aspirations for the future?

This has been outlined a million times. To be a self financing Championship club.

MrFrost wrote:
3. Why do we plough countless thousands into a youth system that has generated 1 or maybe 2 players over the last 10 years?

If we develop a good youth system it will hopefully produce players without silly transfer fees and wages. Maybe make a bob or too in sales. Strengthen the squad for little money. Even if we only get one Waide Fairhurst every 5 years it makes sense.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #86 on February 28, 2010, 10:08:39 pm by MrFrost »
Snods Shinpad wrote:
MrFrost wrote:
Before I spend a hefty chunk of my monthly salary on a new season ticket, I would like the board to answer a few questions for me. Namely the following:

1. Where has the £3.2 million gone that we recouped for Mills and Wellens?

Why focus on that? The board and JR in particular have pumped more than that into the club.

MrFrost wrote:
2. What are our aspirations for the future?

This has been outlined a million times. To be a self financing Championship club.

MrFrost wrote:
3. Why do we plough countless thousands into a youth system that has generated 1 or maybe 2 players over the last 10 years?

If we develop a good youth system it will hopefully produce players without silly transfer fees and wages. Maybe make a bob or too in sales. Strengthen the squad for little money. Even if we only get one Waide Fairhurst every 5 years it makes sense.

Since the youth set up started, which I believe was in our early Confernece years, it has procuded one player in my opinion. Paul Green. He left on a free.

Fairhurst has been on the fringes, but who knows whether he will feature any more than what he has.

Now, I wonder how much has been invested over the years in our youth set up. Could this money have been better spent? Could it be better spent going forward?

Im speculating, that is all.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #87 on February 28, 2010, 10:09:58 pm by DearneValleyRover »
My only complaint is the short time frame for early bird buys, in past seasons we have had until the end of May which if still kept would have led to less complaints.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #88 on February 28, 2010, 10:11:31 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
I do understand the hardships of people and like I say i will find it hard myself but by saving each month I will get by.
I apologise for my comment as I know times are hard but does not give you the excuse to put my name all over the internet just cos someone does not agree with you.


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Re:Season tickets
« Reply #89 on February 28, 2010, 10:13:29 pm by bobjimwilly »
I just don't think its fair we only get 1 month to save up for the \"early bird\" price?
I get paid on the 15th, so I have only 1 pay cheque to pay for the new ticket? Otherwise I have to suffer £120 price increase on last year's Cat C ticket price? And before the bright sparks say it, its not always easy for some folk to get an interest free credit card, or dip into savings they don't have.

I think the first thing the SMC/Rovers can do is extend the early bird offer, give at least a couple of pay days notice for us to get the cheaper ticket  :unsure:


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